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PT. Karunia Baja Persada (KBP)
PT. Karunia Baja Persada (KBP) Selling Multi Plate Super Span that can adjust field conditions. Selling Multi Plate Super Span where the usual type is applied to cross the road with a very long span. This type is often used for highway crossing bridges over rivers. Sell Multi Plate Super Span where the structure consists of several plates which are connected by bolts to form a steel multi plate structure.
Sell Multi Plate Super Span
Selling Multi Plate Super Span for applications: - drainage channels - bridge - Formwork to drill the ground - Crossing the road - Underpass
Selling Multi Plate Super Span with its types namely:
- Multi Plate Super Span High Profile - Multi Plate Super Span Low Profile - Multi Plate Super Span Horizontal Ellipse - Multi Plate Super Span Pear Shape
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